Clinical Setting
Use in the clinical setting (e.g. in normal patient care in child and adolescent psychiatry or in practices) is possible without any problems. It is difficult when children, parents or families fill out and evaluate the KINDLR themselves - without accompaniment and counseling. Questionnaires like the KINDLR should not be filled out and evaluated without secure, expert, and professional guidance and a possibly necessary counseling offer, because some items can easily be misunderstood.
Digital Version
The CAT-SCREEN is the computer-based version of the KINDLR (Ravens-Sieberer & Bullinger, 1998). The CAT-SCREEN is an economic instrument (including either 24 or 30 KINDLR items) which is additionally child-friendly (independent of reading and writing skills, and presented in a playful format) and adapted to the particular stage of development (two age-versions of the KINDLR are included).
Unfortunately, technical support for the CAT-SCREEN had to be discontinued due to lack of resources. However, there are no concerns from our side if you want to program and use the questionnaire yourself as a computer- or web-based questionnaire, as long as no items are changed or omitted or the order or the answer scales are changed.
Use in other Settings
For use in other settings, we recommend independent literature research.